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On a Mission to Build the World's Leading Support Platform

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Accelerated Learning for all Students

LearnFire is building the world's leading academic support platform for Students. Why? "Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world" - Nelson Mandela.


We want to help students achieve their best while being coached by exceptional educators. Our ultimate objective is to make sure that the future leaders of our global community are receiving the highest level of effective education.

LearnFire students enrolled in International School Curriculums

Our Vision

Revolutionising education by empowering every student with the world's leading tutoring platform.

Our Mission

Connecting students with exceptional educators to personalise their learning experience and achieve academic success.

Verified client reviews

"My eldest daughter recently got an offer to the London School of Economics (and 2 other UK offers). The support and guidance from the LearnFire team was invaluable, especially as we had no prior experience applying to study abroad. We are especially thankful for the great academic support from Mrs Brown, Dr Wartenberg and the team in helping our daughter. I am a very proud parent and can highly recommend LearnFire for the professional and wonderful efforts received."

- Jose

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Happy LearnFire parent sharing a glowing review online. Positive feedback on LearnFire's effective and engaging learning platform for students.
LearnFire Dr. Reece Wartenberg Profile Image

Dr. Reece Wartenberg (Founder)

The world is changing rapidly yet the learning environment for teenagers remains largely stagnant. The old status quo of education needs transforming.


This necessity prompted Dr. Reece Wartenberg to challenge traditional education by founding LearnFire in 2020. What initially began as personalised academic coaching delivered by specialist educators has evolved into the global learning platform LearnFire Premium Coaching. LearnFire now specialises in two core areas of business: one-on-one coaching and the recently introduced unlimited online learning. Both of these modes of education insure that students are matched with highly specialised educators so that high-impact lessons are delivered live and in real time.


Reece has had extensive experience as a teacher, department head, and head of pastoral care at international schools that deliver the IGCSE, IB, and A-levels curricula. He has taught students from over 60 countries while working at top international schools and universities in Spain, Thailand, South Africa, Hong Kong and Portugal.


Reece is deeply passionate about going beyond the classroom to accelerate learning and give students the skills they need to excel in their studies. By leveraging the latest in online education technology, Reece has proven that experienced teachers can push the boundaries of education so that students from wide range of ability are all progressing together.

LearnFire Educators Profile Image

Our LearnFire Educators

Each of our LearnFire educators have been sought out by our Academic Success team based on their reputation in the international education community. It is not possible to apply to be an educator with LearnFire. If your child is a part of our LearnFire program then you can be confident that they are working with the best educators on offer. 


Each teacher has been handpicked from top-tier international schools globally. Drawing from their extensive academic backgrounds and real-world experience, our teachers bring a wealth of knowledge to the virtual classroom, offering students a unique opportunity to learn from the best in the field.


If your child is going to use their free time to work with an academic coach, then you'd want that coach to be one of the best.


All our LearnFire educators are subject specialists with many years of classroom and private academic coaching experience. 


All educators are well-versed in the latest education technology so that they can use tech to enhance their online lessons but have deep rooted educational knowledge so that they do not need to rely on the tech to make sure that each of our students is progressing smoothly.

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